Couch to 50k

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Couch to 50k: How to Write 50,000 Words in a Month, Without Burning Out

Available in: ebook, print

Buy: Amazon Worldwide

Ever wanted to write a novel?

Do you dream of writing 50,000 words in a single month?

Every year thousands of writers throw themselves into challenges like NaNoWriMo only to crash out within days. The one thing they all have in common? They fail to plan and prepare correctly.

You don't have to be one of those writers.

Couch to 50k gives you the road map you need to prepare yourself for the biggest writing challenge on the planet AND will get you started down the path to a successful writing career. It will teach you how to get the words out without burning out.

Choose from one of three step-by-step plans to get you into writing shape, no matter what your goals, all wrapped in friendly but no nonsense advice.

Get started on your writing goals today, the right way.